The following information on Mauser sporters comes from Chapter 24 of Mauser Rifles and Pistols by W. H. B. Smith. Mauser Rifles and Pistols is also available to purchase in print.
Genuine Mauser sporting rifles as made before and after World War I are among the finest weapons ever produced.
They were made in a very wide range of calibers, many of which are not manufactured in the United States.
The types and calibers generally marketed in this country are listed below:
Type A Mauser Sporter
This design was made in Germany specifically for foreign markets. It was finished much better than those for home consumption. Various types of sights were provided and this design was made in both single-trigger and double set-trigger types. The stock usually has a cheekpiece which is full checkered and a capped pistol grip. The fore-end tip is horn-capped. Sling swivels are provided, one on the barrel and the other on the stock. The usual barrel length of this type is 24-inches, round, although a later rifle with 22-inch barrel was also provided.

The standard calibers of the 24-inch was as follows: 7x57mm (.276), 8x60mm (.315), 9x57mm (.355), 9.3x62mm (.366), 10.75x68mm (.423), .280 Ross, .30-06 U.S., .318 W.R., and .404 Eley.
With the 22-inch barrel calibers were: 6.5x54mm (.256), and 8x51mm (.315); also .250-3000 Savage.
These rifles weighed about 7.25 to 7.75 pounds.

A table of ballistics for their cartridges is listed above. Ammunition when available may be obtained from the Stoeger Arms Corporation 507 Fifth Ave., New York, New York.
Type B Mauser Sporter
The Type B was manufactured in a variety of patterns.

They were made for the following cartridges: 7x57mm (.276), 8x60mm (.315), 9x57mm (.355), 9.3x62mm (.360), 10.75x68mm (.423). The first pattern was supplied with 24-inch round barrel, silver bead foresight on matted block, pear-shaped bolt knob, hinged magazine bottom plate with lever release, walnut stock with cheekpiece, full checkered and steel capped pistol grip, hard rubber butt plate and sling swivels.
This type had dual set triggers. One model had leaf sights up to 300 yards, while another had a tangent curve sight up to 1000 yards.

The second pattern of this type B was the same as the first pattern except that a single trigger was used.
The third type was the same except that the barrel was half octagon. This was a set trigger model.
Pattern four had a single trigger and a full octagon barrel.
Pattern five was the same as pattern four with full octagon barrel but had set trigger.

Type K Mauser Sporter
The type K was a light weight short rifle with a 21.5-inch barrel. Other characteristics were the same as for the type A. It was made in single trigger and hair set-trigger type; also with round, partly round, partly octagon and full octagon barrels.

The type K was furnished only in calibers 6.5x54mm (.256), 8x51mm (.315), and .250-3000 Savage.
Note: The “K” action is identical with the standard but is shorter and lighter. “K” here means “kurz” or “short”.
Type M Mauser Sporter
The type M was made with both single trigger and set triggers and with leaf sights or tangent curved sights. It is unusual in that the stock extends to the muzzle. The barrel is round and is 20-inches long. A silver bead front sight on a matted block is standard. The bolt handle is flat, another characteristic. The hinged magazine bottom plate has a lever release. The walnut stock has a checkered cheekpiece. The pistol grip is steel capped. The steel plate is ribbed and has a trap for cleaning rod which may be screwed together. Sling swivels are provided.
This model was made in the following calibers: 6.5x54mm (.256), 7x57mm (.276), 8x51mm (.315), 8x60mm (.315), and 9x57mm (.355).

Type S Mauser Sporter
This model is practically the same as the type M except for checkering and bolt handle shape. This type was also made with flat bolt handle but may be encountered with pear shaped bolt handle. The wooden stock extends to the muzzle of the 20-inch barrel where it is joined with a steel cap. This type weighs about 7-pounds. For the U.S. trade it was manufactured in caliber .30-06 U.S. The selling price for this caliber was about $175, or about $25 higher than for the other calibers.

The Mauser Sporter Magnum Action
The so called “Magnum Action” is identical in all respects with the standard Mauser except for size and weight, being designed for super-power cartridges. It was used on type A rifles in calibers 10.75x68mm and .404 Jeffery.
On special order Mauser-Magnum actions were also provided in the U.S. for the .280 Ross or the 318 W.R. Express. The American selling price of these Magnums was about $250.00. This is approximately double the cost of the standard action.

The only differences in design required by use of Magnum receivers develops where very large cartridges are used. When stacking in double or staggered rows would make the rifle too bulky, receivers are modified to use a box magazine extending below the line of the stock.
Receivers are all basically short, standard or Magnum lengths and weights, but each is specially milled for the cartridge used.