The following information on pistol and revolver clubs and ranges comes from The Book of the Pistol and Revolver by Hugh B. C. Pollard. The Book of the Pistol and Revolver is also available to purchase in print.
In writing a book of this nature, the author is bound to glean much from the work of others who have preceded him. I cannot include a complete bibliography, but I desire to express my indebtedness to the works of Mr. W. Greener, Mr. Walter Winans, Mr. C. W. Sawyer, Mr. Himmelwright, Mr. McGuire, the editor of that excellent American magazine, Outdoor Life; and many others. I also beg to thank Mr. Evans, of Wolverhampton, and Mr. Allen, of the Facade, Charing Cross, for the use of some photographs of antique arms. During my researches it has been a constant pleasure to me to find how well my inquiries have been received by leading gunsmiths and firms dealing in antique weapons; they have readily placed at my disposal any information which they possessed, and have manifested a keen desire to help me in the compilation of this work.

I desire to thank them and all those who have given me encouragement to proceed with it. The times have not been propitious, and it has been peculiarly hard to continue a work of this nature during the exigencies of military service in the field. This must serve as apology for the manifest shortcomings of the work, and I can only hope that in later editions I may be able to expand and improve a book that I hope may some day be the standard authority on pistols and revolvers.
Hugh B. C. Pollard,
War Office,
London, 1916.